
YouTube, Be Afraid? TikTok Levels Up with 30-Minute Videos

YouTube, Be Afraid? TikTok Levels Up with 30-Minute Videos

TikTok is testing the ability for users to upload 30-minute videos, a significant move away from its short-form format. The company first became famous for its short-form videos, but it has been slowly adding long-form material as well. If the new file limit is widely used, TikTok will have come a long way since the 15-second video limit it had at first.

This change could potentially attract a wider range of users, including content creators and influencers who prefer longer video formats. It opens up new opportunities for brands and advertisers to engage with their audience in more detailed and immersive ways. However, there is a risk that longer videos may reduce the unique and addictive nature of TikTok’s short-form content, so it remains to be seen how users will respond to this shift.

TikTok is now competing even more directly with YouTube. It wants to get long-form video makers who usually post on YouTube. People used to think that TikTok was the place to find short videos, and YouTube was the place to find long videos. With the new 30-minute cap, creators would have more time and freedom to share things like comedy sketches, cooking recipes, and beauty tutorials.

With the new 30-minute limit, networks would not have to split a show into multiple parts. Instead, they could post whole episodes on TikTok as a single video. Networks already use TikTok to reach viewers, and the new cap on upload time might make them want to share videos on TikTok. But not everyone wants longer movies on TikTok; most people use the app to make quick videos. It will be easier to watch longer videos on TikTok because the company has been testing a horizontal full-screen view in some places.

TikTok hasn’t said when or if it will make the 30-minute video upload option available to all users. If TikTok gives all users the option to upload videos for 30 minutes, it could change the way people use the site to watch videos. Longer videos let creators show off more detailed and in-depth content, which brings in more users and creates new advertising possibilities. However, TikTok will have to find a way to please both groups of people—those who like short videos and those who want longer, more immersive material. In the end, how well the 30-minute video upload feature works will depend on how well TikTok can adapt to its users’ tastes.

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