WhatsApp to end up its free services in 2024: a noteworthy insight

WhatsApp to end up its free services in 2024: A noteworthy insight

WhatsApp to end up its free services in 2024: a noteworthy insight

The world was in shock when WhatsApp announced that it would no longer offer its services for free in 2024. The messaging app had been a staple for millions of people around the world, and the news was met with mixed reactions.

Starting in December 2023, Android users will no longer be able to use free backup storage for old chats, photos, and videos. The company planned to slowly change all of its accounts. By the middle of 2024, the entire process should be complete. Google would either let users make more space or charge them for more storage if they went over their storage limit.

Android’s new strategy is in line with the iPhone’s storage limits, which are already established in iCloud. Google One, the name for Google Drive subscription plans, has three main plans that can be paid for monthly or yearly. If you agree to pay for the plan annually, the Basic (100GB) plan costs £15.99 or $19.99, the Standard (200GB) plan costs £24.99 or $29.99, and the Premium (2TB) plan costs £79.99 or $99.99.

If you do not want to sign up for Google One, you can still make good use of your storage. You can open WhatsApp, go to Settings, then Storage and Data, and select Manage Storage. Here, WhatsApp will show you a number of effective ways to lower your storage usage so that you can make the most of their free 15GB allowance without having to pay extra.

Many people did not like the news because they thought WhatsApp was taking advantage of its users. Some people even said they would switch to free messaging apps that offered the same services. However, others were more understanding, recognizing that WhatsApp was a business that needed to make money to survive.

Also, WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will let people talk to each other without giving out their phone numbers. This feature is also expected to be announced this year. According to a WA beta Info report, WhatsApp users on Android and the web will be able to create a username to personalize their profiles. Using a unique ID will make it easier for them to get in touch with family, friends, and business contacts.

The whole world kept an eye on things and waited to see what would happen next. Could WhatsApp handle the storm and come out stronger than ever? Or would it become a victim of its own success and be forced to close down? Only time will tell.

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