Apple Introduces-Enhancements-for-iOS-Safari-and-the-App-Store-in-the-European-Union

Apple Introduces Enhancements for iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union

Apple Introduces Enhancements for iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union

In response to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple has revealed big changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store for people in the European Union.

These updates add more than 600 new APIs, better data for apps, support for different browser engines, and more ways to pay for apps and distribute iOS apps. Apple says in a blog post that these changes are needed to keep the high quality and security standards that EU users expect from Apple while also meeting the new rules. The post goes into more detail about each of the changes and new features.

There are more ways to pay for and download apps on iOS now, though. This makes some people worry that malware, fraud, scams, and other threats to security and privacy will become more common. Apple is adding more safety features to lower these risks. Some of these are making sure that iOS app makers get permission, notarizing apps, and letting people know about other ways to pay. Apple knows that even with these safety measures, EU users will still be at risk in some ways.

The Apple Developer Support page has more information and help for developers who are interested in these changes. People can also start playing around with these new features right away by downloading the iOS 17.4 beta version, which is already out there. Users in all 27 EU countries will be able to use these new features and functions when they start to be rolled out in March 2024. 

“The changes we’re announcing today are in line with the requirements of the Digital Markets Act in the European Union. They also help protect EU users from the higher privacy and security risks that this law inevitably brings.” “Giving our users in the EU and around the world the best and safest experience possible is still our top priority,” said Phil Schiller, an Apple Fellow. “Developers can now find out about the new tools and terms that are available for alternative ways to distribute apps and process payments, as well as new features for alternative browser engines and contactless payments, among other things.” It is important to note that developers can choose to keep the same business rules as now if they want to.

Apple is releasing frameworks and APIs that will let these other marketplaces be made, and marketplace makers will be able to control how apps are installed and updated.

Apple is making it easier to make browser apps by adding tools and APIs for different browser engines. Developers will no longer have to use WebKit for web apps and in-app browsing experiences. Instead, they can use other browser engines. Apple is also setting up an ease of use form to improve compatibility. This platform will let developers ask for more features to work with iPhone and iOS hardware and software. This will make the EU a more flexible and developer-friendly place to live.

As the European Commission said, Apple is also sharing changes to mobile payments that are DMA-compliant. This includes brand-new APIs that let developers in the EU use NFC technology in their wallets and banking apps. Apple is also putting in place new controls in the EU that will let users pick a different app store or a third-party contactless payment app.

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