Critical Vulnerabilities in miniOrange WordPress Plugins

Critical Vulnerabilities in miniOrange WordPress Plugins


WordPress users who rely on miniOrange’s Malware Scanner and Web Application Firewall plugins are urged to take immediate action due to the discovery of critical security flaws. These vulnerabilities pose a significant risk to website security and could potentially lead to complete compromise of affected sites. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the vulnerabilities and recommended actions for website owners.

Overview of Vulnerabilities:

The security flaws, identified as CVE-2024-2172, affect specific versions of miniOrange’s plugins – Malware Scanner (versions <= 4.7.2) and Web Application Firewall (versions <= 2.1.1). Rated 9.8 out of 10 on the CVSS scoring system, these vulnerabilities allow unauthenticated attackers to grant themselves administrative privileges by exploiting a missing capability check in the mo_wpns_init() function. Consequently, attackers can arbitrarily update user passwords, leading to potential compromise of the entire site.

Impact and Risks:

Upon gaining administrative access, attackers can manipulate various aspects of the WordPress site, including uploading malicious plugin and theme files, modifying posts and pages, and redirecting users to malicious sites or injecting spam content. With over 10,000 active installs for Malware Scanner and more than 300 for Web Application Firewall, the scale of potential impact is substantial.

Immediate Action Required:

To mitigate the risks associated with these vulnerabilities, it is imperative for WordPress site owners to promptly delete the affected plugins from their websites. The maintainers of the plugins have permanently closed them as of March 7, 2024, indicating the seriousness of the situation. Failure to remove these plugins could leave sites vulnerable to exploitation.

Additional Warning:

In addition to the vulnerabilities in miniOrange’s plugins, WordPress users are cautioned about a similar high-severity flaw in the RegistrationMagic plugin (CVE-2024-1991). This flaw, affecting all versions prior to, permits authenticated attackers to elevate their privileges to that of a site administrator by updating the user role. The plugin’s maintainers released version on March 11, 2024, to address this issue. With more than 10,000 active installations, the risk posed by this vulnerability is significant.


The discovery of critical vulnerabilities in miniOrange’s WordPress plugins underscores the importance of proactive security measures for website owners. By promptly removing the affected plugins and staying vigilant against potential threats, WordPress users can safeguard their sites from exploitation and maintain the integrity of their online presence. Regular monitoring for security updates and patches is essential to mitigate risks and ensure ongoing protection against emerging threats.

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